Creating A Community Of Deer Hunters Interested In Learning From Each Other And Preserving A Great American Tradition!

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Ted Nugent on CNBC

Just caught an interview with Ted Nugent on the Donny Deutsch Show on CNBC. Listening to Donny Deutsch was eye-opening because it was amazing to see how some segments of the media are actually incapable of seeing the merits of hunting.

Ted Nugent made some great points about our roles in conservation, fostering discipline in our kids when teaching them to hunt, the hunter's oath to make harvests quick, and maintaining population control on wildlife.

The question is how do we educate the rest of America about the merits of hunting? I would love to hear your comments.



The Top Ten Myths of Deer Hunting

In talking with hunters all over the US, I have found that even some great hunters still hold on to common myths of deer hunting. In this article I would like to expose what I consider to be the top ten myths of deer hunting.

Myth #1
Big bucks roam frequently roam.

Truth #1
Big bucks have a home territory that they usually stay in. They may roam some during the rut in search of does in estrus.

Bucks bed in the thickest cover.

Truth #2
Bucks will bed in thick cover but they will also bed in thin cover on hills and ridges where they can view approaching predators

Myth #3
Finding frequent scrapes close together means there is a big buck in the area.

Truth #3
This is most likely the work of a younger buck that is showing off his prowess. A mature buck will make big scrapes but not as many as a 1 to 2 year old.

Myth #4 and #5
Big bucks don't walk in doe trails.

Bucks follow behind does to avoid danger.

Truth #4 and #5
Big bucks normally don't walk in doe trails except during rutting season. A dominant buck will walk a doe trail and behind does when he is following a doe in estrus.

Myth #6
A full moon is bad for hunting.

Truth #6
Scientific research has found that the second full moon after the fall equinox starts the rutting season in central and northern states.

Myth #7
Spooked deer run for miles.

Truth #7
While deer can run 35 - 40 mph, they will run for only a couple of hundred yards when frightened.

Myth #8
The rut lasts only a few days.

Truth #8
Does come into estrus individually. Does that do not breed during their first estrus of the season will enter into estrus again in about a month.

Myth #9
The size of a buck's antlers indicates his age.

Truth #9
While antler size usually increases with age, the age of a buck cannot be determined by the size of his antlers. Antler size and number of points varies with the individual based on genetics and nutrition.

Myth #10
There's no need to stay out hunting in the middle of the day because the deer are resting.

Truth #10
Especially under the pressure of the hunting season, deer (including bucks) will be on the move all day.

I hope you enjoyed the Top 10 Myths of Deer Hunting!

Learn More By Visiting My Website!!


Joe Pineland

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

A Great Secret For Gun Owners

One of the subscribers asked me a question about
buying guns wholesale. The best
way to do this is by getting a
Federal Firearms License.

If you have a Federal Firearms License
you can save yourself money by buying wholesale
and sell to your friends and coworkers. You will never
pay $20-$50 for a transfer fee again. You can buy and
sell guns with this BATF approved license.

Get Your Federal Firearms License Now!

You can get them through the mail,
with no hassle and no time wasted.

It can take time but it may be worth. There is a
kit that can make sure you do it right the first time.
Or you can do it for free on your own.

Expect to pay some money by the time
you finish the gov. process but if you have
any hunting buddies or relatives looking
to buy a gun you will make it up in no time
and may even consider starting a side business.

Check it out at this link.

Get Your Federal Firearms License Now!

Joe Pineland

Friday, November 18, 2005

Hunters Feeding The Hungry

I just wanted to tell you about a great organization if you are not aware of it.
The name of the organization is called Farmers and Hunters Feeding the Hungry (FHFH).
There website says it all ",During our first six years (1997-2003) FHFH has been responsible for the processing of 1,400 tons (nearly 12,000,000 servings)of venison and other big game for soup kitchens and food pantries across America. These 'little cows' providean abundant and nutritious source of protein desperatelyneeded by feeding programs. From the beginningof time farmers and hunters have been the members ofsociety called to provide food for others. FHFH allowshunters to return to their heritage as 'food providers'."
With the much maligned status of hunters in some segments of the media, it is up to us to continue a great tradition and further it by helping those with the time and inclination to provide clear and charitable work that furthers the integrity of the sport and its long established tradition in North America! FHFH is doing great work. I encourage you to check them out!
Visit their website at:
Joe Pineland